Hey gang!
I’m beyond delighted to announce that “all the little lights - anniversary edition” will be released on November 10th…. With the first single / video out this coming Friday 🥳
Over the past 2 years we’ve been busy re-recording every song from the original album from scratch and believe that with the help of our brilliant band, and a few very special guests… 👀 ...we’ve breathed new life in to it whilst also hopefully preserving everything that made it special in the first place.
This album means so much to me and I know it does to a lot of you guys too. It’s a group of songs (one in particular…. 🤭) That completely changed the trajectory of my career and the shape of my life forever.
When we recorded the original - over a decade ago now (😰) I had no idea that it would go on to do everything that it has.
I am so proud of it and have so much to thank it for…. but I was a very different person, artist and performer back then. I had relatively little experience in recording and perhaps hadn’t yet settled on what I really wanted to sound like.
Over the years when I would hear a song or two from the album, I would find myself wishing we’d done a number of things a bit differently…. well ….Now we have.
With this new “anniversary edition” I truly feel we’ve made these songs the very best that they could be. We’ve changed a lot but we’ve kept a lot too. The last thing I wanted to do was to lose the magic that was innocently captured all those years ago…
Anyway, I’m rambling… I could bang on about it all for hours and surely will do over the next few weeks leading up to the release…
For now, I’ll leave you with the front cover - Lovingly designed by the brilliant Sarah Lanarch who designed the original all those years ago. It’s been a pleasure to have worked with her ever since and to share this full circle moment.
We have more news coming this week and the first single will be released on Friday… it’s a good’ne 😎
Pre order / merch options / bundles will also be available then too….
this is soooo exciting!!!!
Mike xxxx