Well this is pretty exciting!
For years people have been asking if I’d ever think about recording a live album.
I’m also aware that my live show is very different to my albums and I’ve always been keen to capture it.
I play solo live. Just a guitar and my voice. Whereas making records has always been an opportunity to come up with fuller arrangements, experiment with different instrumentation & collaborate with other musicians.
Also when we make a studio album we can chip away at it over time until we're happy with how it sounds. With a live album we don’t have that kind of control and that’s always felt like a scary idea if i'm honest but also a liberating one and I’m very aware that its often the imperfections in music / art that are the most human / relatable.
When we were touring the states last year - my brilliant (and sneaky) audio team ended up recording a couple of gigs without me knowing.
One of the shows was at the iconic The Fillmore in San Francisco.
I’ve been lucky enough to play there a couple of times and its one of those places that just feels really special. Pretty much every artist and band that I’ve ever listened to and loved have played there over the years and there is a real feeling of magic and history around the place.
The show was the best of the tour. The crowd were great and it all felt very relaxed and natural.
So when my team told me that they’d recorded it I was intrigued to hear it.
Almost a year later I am delighted… And slightly nervous
… to release “passenger - live from San Francisco”

Its now on all streaming platforms and a limited number of cds are available from my website - get in quick if you fancy grabbing one !
A massive thank you to:
Chris Vallejo and Simon Kemp for recording it so well;
Chris Vallejo for mixing it and pulling it together;
John Davis at Metropolis Studios for mastering;
Jarrad Seng Photography for the brilliant photos & artwork;
Dan Medland & Rebekah Tayler for organising everything;
The Fillmore for being so accommodating;
And everyone that happened to be at the show .
I really hope you all enjoy it .
All my love and thanks .
Mike xx